Clean air 2
interactive game as a tool for clean environment
ABOUT project

As the problem of air pollution concerns all EU countries it requires applying a transnational approach including, cooperation between the countries, experience sharing and development of joint measures. Not only because the sources of air pollution and required solutions to the problem are similar, but also because air pollution has a strong transboundary character. Project partners come mainly from one of the most serious European hot spots, i.e. CEE area. Participation of Spain will allow for diffusion of project products and results to other parts of the EU, beyond CEE.
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The objective of this project is to raise awareness in the countries covered by the project about the problem of air pollution, its reasons, health effects and possible solutions that can be taken by inhabitants in order to mitigate the problem and reduce local air pollution. This objective will be achieved by providing training for teachers in the topic of air pollution and equipping them with innovative, interactive education materials that they will use to teach their pupils and students about the problem.
One of the main project outputs will be the game. This is the response to the feedback from the previous project realized by the consortium. The teachers taking part in the pilot testing in all the countries suggested that the interactive game would be a great tool to teach about air pollution.
IO1 – Curriculum and training methodology.
IO2 – Game scenarios.
IO3 – Movie scenarios and production.
IO4 – Game + Virtual World Environment – Educational game.
IO5 – Lesson scenarios and pilot testing.
About project Clean Air 1

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission under the Erasmus+ Programme. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.