Clean air 2
Juego interactivo de contaminación atmosférica como herramienta
para lograr un medio ambiente limpio
Sobre el proyecto

El objetivo de CA2 es crear conciencia en los países participantes sobre el problema de la contaminación atmosférica, sus causas, efectos en la salud y posibles soluciones que pueden tomar los habitantes para mitigar el problema y reducir la contaminación atmosférica local. Dicho objetivo se logrará proporcionando formación al profesorado en el tema de la contaminación del aire y equipándolo con materiales educativos interactivos e innovadores que utilizarán para enseñar al alumnado sobre la problemática.
Tras la primera versión del proyecto, Clean Air 1, el profesorado de todos los países participante en la prueba piloto sugirió que el juego interactivo sería una gran herramienta para enseñar sobre la contaminación del aire. Es por ello que este juego constituye el principal producto de CA 2.
Los productos del proyecto, denominados Intellectual Outputs (IO) están estructurados de la siguiente forma:
IO1 Currículo y metodología de formación
IO2 Escenarios del juego
IO3 Escenarios audiovisuales y producción
IO4 Juego + Mundo Virtual – Juego educativo
IO5 Escenarios de clase y pruebas piloto
Acerca del proyecto Clean Air 1
Currículo y Metodología de Formación
O1/A1 – training methodology – the document, which will be base for all further activities done in the project. For this document will be responsible CPIP.
The document will contain the following problems:
- Chapter 1, Introduction, explains in more detail the topic of this document on how training activities will be developed, and presents teaching methodologies and structures.
- Chapter 2, Defining a target groups, describes in detail the procedures for identifying target groups. Explains how to select target groups, what should be the target group and other relevant ones specifications. Characteristics, competences and skills of participants were also determined.
- Chapter 3, Modules, contains more details about the training structure, module topics and learning specifications
- Chapter 4, Materials, presents typologies of materials and documentation that should be used and created during the training. The various criteria adopted to evaluate the results of the course through training activities are described
- Chapter 5, Indicators of success.
O1/A2 – elaboration of the curricula for the training. This document will be base for elaboration training content in the frame of O2.
- choosing of the range of information demanded for lessons with games
- time settlement according to lesson units, learning outcomes and game demand
- tight collaboration between partners elaborating curricula and responsible partners for the taking care of the EQF background.
Escenarios de Juego (Material de aprendizaje / enseñanza / capacitación – Otros)
The division of the work on developing of game scenarios will be as follow:
- Game scenario 1 – Influence of the pollution on the health and quality of life – CPIP (RO)
- Game scenario 2 – Transport pollution- KAS (PL)
- Game scenario 3 – Industrial pollution – CN (CZ)
- Game scenario 4 – Low-stack emission – DIPGRA (ES)
- Game scenario 5 – Environment protection campaign – NewEdu (SK)
- Game scenario 6 – Summary evaluation module content – ARID (PL)
Escenarios Audiovisuales y Producción
IO3/A1 – elaborating of the movie scenarios – KAS (PL) with input from all partners
IO3/A2 – production of the movies – KAS (PL)
IO3/A3 – validation of the movies – all partners.
IO3/A1 will be the first part of the elaboration of the movies. Those scenarios will be prepared separately according to the topics which will be in the game. I this activity will be involved each partner by providing to KAS draft version of the movie’s scenario.
The topics of that scenarios will be as follow:
- Movie scenario 1 – Influence of the pollution on the health and quality of life
- Movie scenario 2 – Transport pollution
- Movie scenario 3 – Industrial pollution
- Movie scenario 4 – Low-stack emission
Juego + Mundo Virtual - Juego Educativo
O4/A1: System Architecture and Implementation Plan – KTU (LT)
O4/A2: Server configured and Software installed – KTU (LT)
O4/A3: Virtual Management Webpage – KTU (LT)
O4/A4: First version of Virtual World without Learning Material – KTU (LT)
O4/A5: Draft Virtual World with all educational content, infrastructure and learning material Integrated – KTU (LT)
O4/A6: Completed version of Virtual World, ready for pilot testing – KTU (LT)
O4/A7: Final Version of the Virtual World – KTU (LT)
Escenarios de Clase y Pruebas Piloto
O5/A1– Methodology of lesson scenarios – KAS (PL)
O5/A2 – Lesson scenario + ppt – CPIP (RO)
O5/A3 – Lesson scenario + ppt – KAS (PL)
O5/A4 – Lesson scenario + ppt – CN (CZ)
O5/A5 – Lesson scenario + ppt – DIPGRA (ES)
O5/A7 – Lesson scenario + ppt – NewEdu (SK)
O5/A8 – Lesson scenario + ppt – ARID (PL)
O5/A9 – Methodological guide – New Edu (SK)
O5/A10 – Technical guide for game KTU (LT)

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission under the Erasmus+ Programme. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.