Lesson scenarios and pilot testing
The project’s result named ‘’Lesson scenarios and pilot testing’’ is dedicated to teachers, particularly teachers from primary and secondary schools from the areas with the highest levels of air pollution. The newly developed lesson scenarios will equip teachers with more attractive and effective activities. The lesson scenarios will completely support teachers in their classroom, being available for free both online and offline.
6 different lesson scenarios will de developed to further introduce the game designed for young people, especially children and youngsters from primary and secondary schools. These will be followed by clear and intuitive instructions for their methodological and technological usefulness. Moreover, two phases of pilot testing will be conducted based on this project’s result:
- The first pilot testing phase is dedicated to teachers from primary and secondary schools (min. 15 teachers will get involved from each country) and will be conducted by the staff trainers
- The second pilot testing phase is dedicated children and youngsters from primary and secondary schools (min. 50 children will get involved from each partner country) and will be conducted by the previously trained teachers
Methodology for lesson scenarios
and pilot testing
Methodology for lesson scenarios and pilot testing
Methodological guide
New Edu (SK)
Technical guide for games
Methodology of lesson scenarios
Methodological guide
New Edu (SK)
Technical guide for game

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission under the Erasmus+ Programme. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.